Agile Infinity (Agile∞)

This year's theme:

Covering unique Agile solutions and approaches to survive and  leverage the age of Corona

The first online Israeli Agile Conference with a spin!

This special event was held  in the format of a ROLLING NEWS RELEASE!


For half a day we broadcasted live and pre-recorded sessions including:

– Field Articles
– Depth articles
– Interviews with global Agile experts
– Interviews with Israeli Agile experts.

In a real television studio, with panels of experts, we analyzed today’s headlines and presented unique Agile solutions to survive the age of Corona

It was a unique and energetic online event, hosted by Ajimeh, sponsored by and produced by point2point production. 

You’re invited to go over the talks, download the presentations and enjoy this great experience.
See you next in our annual main event Beyond Agile Israel 2021! With a new and creative approach.


Ajimeh' News Team - Starting live broadcast with breaking news
Sponsored by - A Brief Overview of the Scrum Framework

Covid-19 Impact On Teams

Erez Morabia

And now to our first article, by Avaya with the one and only Erez Morabia

Engineering manager & internal Agile coach, and also Ajimeh’ advisory team member.

Erez, you have done some research on the correlation between the maturity of Avaya Agile teams and their resiliency to radical changes as those that occurred during the Corona. Let’s hear what did you find

Covid-19 Impact On Teams

Erez Morabia, Engineering manager & internal Agile coach @ Avaya, interviewing key members, over the globe, in Avaya, and collect their insights on the impact of Covid-19 on their role & teams.

Dynamic Reteaming

Heidi Helfand

Our next story comes from Southern California, and focuses on the inevitable nature of organizations that brings to dynamic re-teaming – Coaching teams through change.
Heidi Helfand is the author of the book Dynamic Reteaming.
She coaches software development teams using practical, people-focused techniques, with the goal of building resilient organizations as they double and triple in size. Heidi is currently Director of R&D Excellence at Procore Technologies.
Let’s hear her story.

Evidence Based Management

Magdalena Firlit

Many of you probably met Magdalena at Ajimeh’s last annual conference – Beyond Agile Israel.
Magdalena is an Agile Transformation Consultant and Professional Scrum trainer at We are happy to continue collaborating with Magdalena and hear her insights on Evidence Based Management.
Let’s hear it together in the next article.

Agile In Research Labs

Yaron Fein

Going Agile these days is crucial for any business. Self-organizing teams that inspect & adapt to rapid changes has become a key factor to success.
But how can you implement these methodologies in research labs and how can you start such a journey remotely?
Let’s hear Boaz Fine interviewing Yaron Fein, VP R&D at StoreDot

Online PI-Planning

Avishai Shoshani

We are now heading to the north district of Israel, to the beautiful Galilee, to hear from a great Agile company how they reacted fast to the current changes and even leveraged it, creating an online Program Increment Planning Session.
Please join Limor Halfon interviewing Avishai Shoshani, CTO at Spiral Solutions

The Pipeline Driven Organization ה

Roy Osherove

In this article Roy Osherove will talk about The Pipeline Driven Organization Roy is the author of “Art of Unit Testing” and “Elastic Leadership” and he’s working on his new book “Pipeline Driven”, to be released in 2021.

Turbo-Charging Agile (With 4 Simple Techniques)

Ohad Cohen Yashar

In the next article we will hear Ohad Cohen Yashar, Software Team Leader and Scrum Master at XMPie.
Ohad will share with us some simple techniques to turbo-charging Agile.

Realizing Empathy

Seung Chan Lim (Slim)

In this online interview, Limor Halfon ask Seung Chan Lim (Slim), leadership performance coach and the author of “Realizing Empathy”, about his special point of view on the challenges during Covid-19, and how realizing empathy make a difference.

Remote Management

Hilla Livne

The Corona period brought many organizations to revisit their way of work and consider hybrid management solutions.
In this interview Meital Saiski will explore this topic with Hilla Livne, Organizational psychologist and OD at Amit that did a research on remote management.

Hybrid Management Routines, Shaping Up Managerial Competence

Dr. Shaul Nechamkin

Defining a model for Hybrid ways of work and Hybrid Management Routines, is indeed the need of the hour currently.
But is it sufficient? Probably not…As it also requires Shaping up Managerial Competencies.
In this article Boaz Fine interview Dr. Shaul Nechamkin, Organizational psychologist, expert in leadership development and management skills – especially to investigate this topic.
Let’s watch the article.

Listen To The Sound Of Resiliency

Liliya Friedman-Rachmanni

Liliya, Ajimeh’ expert, joined our panel. The headline of this time period is organizational resilience.
What is the relationship between listening – to organizational success and managerial resilience?

Quality Times

Moran Mazza

In the next article Michal Epstein will interview Moran Mazza, Ajimeh senior consultant and expert in quality assurance in Agile environment.
The interview will be in Hebrew

Mindfulness Based Leadership

Dr. Keren Tsuk

Dr. Keren Tzuk, Organizational consultant and leadership expert, will talk about Mindfulness Based Leadership

The Story Of Business Continuity In Allot Following COVID-19, From HR Perspective

Michal Katzir

The next article will bring the story of business continuity in Allot following COVID-19, from HR perspective.
Let’s say hello to Michal Katzir, HR Director at Allot

Your Project Behaves Like A Hurricane? Forecast It Like One

Daniel Vacanti

I’m happy to introduce you to the Founder and CEO of ActionableAgileTM, the author of “Actionable Agile Metrics for Predictability” and one of the people who worked with to create PSK class – Daniel Vacanti.
Daniel combines his knowledge of Kanban and flow metrics to bring a unique approach to continuous process improvement.
Daniel will question if Your Project Behaves Like a Hurricane? Forecast It Like One.

Agile Weather Forecast & Closing

Ajimeh' News Team

מזג האוויר יהיה מעונן חלקית. תחל ירידה ניהולית בטמפרטורות, בזכות משב רוח צפוני של צוותים עצמאיים מהשקע הביתי
בשבועות הקרובים ייתכן טפטוף של מודלים היברידים לעבודה מהבית והמשרד, יחד עם חברות שעדיין ממשיכות לקוות שהשיגרה תחזור ומחכות לפעול עד שתתפזר העננות.
עליה קלה בטמפרטורות תורגש בעיקר בהרים ובפנים הארץ, בחברות שמשקיעות במיומנויות לניהול מרחוק, בפיתוח צוותים עצמאיים ובכלל בתהליכי עבודה אג’יליים
Keep SAFe, Be Agile, May the Scrum be with you!


PO - SM Relationship, Via ScruMaga

A refreshing breakout, in which Danko and Boaz Fine, Ajimeh’ partners will reflect the relationships between PO – SM, via ScruMaga

The Two-Headed Agile Expert

Boaz' Grandparents Pay A Visit...

Boaz' Grandparents pay a visit... and learn about Agile teams culture and creativity

An Interesting Couple Getting Interviewed To Work In Agile...

Interview With Prof. Fugacchi

A refreshing breakout with an Agile expert, Prof. Fugacchi…

Simulating Unhappy PO Joining Sprint Planning, Via ScruMaga