Join an Agile Journey

Laying the foundations for Creativity, Focus and Productivity

We commit to a

creative, collaborative and productive journey.

Together, we will design concrete solutions tailored specifically for your business needs, that will lead you to outstanding results.

We connect the dots between Agile, organizational culture, self-development, creative thinking, and innovation.


Certified Scrum Product Owner

Certified Scrum Master

Management 3.0

Upcoming Ajimeet:
Agile & AI 8.7.2024

Visual Facilitation

Creative Thinking

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Intelligence is the Ability to Adapt to Change.

Stephen Hawking


Workshops & Courses

Behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Conson antia, there
 seed Behind the word mountains

Essential Skills
Course Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Sample Content.

Scrum certifications
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Sample Content.

scaling agile
Course Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Sample Content.


Our Team of Experts


Back to the office?
Need a break from same old planning?

Ajimeh has a cool set of Planning Poker card set for your teams’ fun, efficiency and knowledge share.

Ajimeh has a special expertise in gamification, energizing routines and right out blowing the top off boring and dull meetings and habits.

Why’s that? well, just because we have a strong and painful allergy for the tedious and unnecessary practices and habits.

Do you need a hand learning how to put Ajimeh’s Planning Poker to best use? Contact Boaz through his WhatsApp for some assistance

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