P.O in a nutshell

Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell A great Agile animation video reference by Henrik Kniberg that will streighten the large picture of Agile from a Product-Owner’s perspective in just 15 minutes The importance of “No” About Risks and flow About the tension between Building the Dev team’s focus of building the thing right The […]
David Marquette – Greatness

A great Reference for management skills is David Marquette Lectures in Short (RSA animate version): A more elaborate version: Relevant to this issue are the Management3.0 Courses Management 3.0 Online Workshop Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop
Stop calling them SOFT SKILLS! Introducing CORE SKILLS

Creativity Mentoring Communication. Teamwork. Problem-solving. Critical thinking. Decision-making….. etc Some people call them soft Soft, mushy, eradicating, menting away, unreliable, un-supportive. Yea, we don’t have time to invest in creativity, it’s soft We didn’t put the budget in for Coaching practices, they’re not the core But they’re hardcore, hard to master hard as a hammer […]